How to Trim Hamster Nails

Hamster nails can become overgrown just like cat or dog nails. Be sure to trim your hamster’s nails on a regular basis so they don’t become curled or split. Part of keeping your hamster healthy is keeping his nails trimmed.

Things You'll Need

  • Small cat nail clippers
  • Styptic powder or gel
  • Towel
  • Helper
  • Hamster treats
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      Plan on having two people available when trimming your hamster’s nails. Find a small tea towel and have a pair of small cat nail clippers available. Choose the scissor style nail clipper, rather than the guillotine style nail clippers, for safety reasons.

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      Remove your hamster from his cage, and gently wrap him in the towel with his front half exposed. Give the hamster to your helper and have them sit down. Allow the helper to give the hamster a small treat to eat.

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      Distract the hamster with the treat while taking note of his front paws. Look at the nails to see if they are curling under or splitting. If they are beginning to curl, they need to be trimmed. Be prepared by having small cat nail clippers and styptic powder or gel ready to use.

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      Gently hold the hamster's paw to prepare for the nail trim. Have your helper, move the hamster's head so he is facing the towel in case he chooses to bite. Allow the hamster to chew on the towel to reduce his stress.

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      Begin trimming the hamster’s nails, one nail at a time. Trim a very small amount. Look for a change in color in the nails. Trim only the tips. You don’t want to cut too far up, or you will hit the quick in the nail and the hamster nail will bleed. Trim little by little, so the nails aren’t curling under.

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      Bleeding will occur if you trim the hamster’s nails too short. Apply styptic powder or styptic gel directly to the tip of the nail if it is bleeding. This will stop the bleeding. Allow the hamster to rest before continuing with the nail trim.

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      Repeat this process with the nails on all four paws of your hamster. Trimming your hamster’s nails will become easier the more you do it. You should only need to trim them a few times per year.