How to train your hamster to come when you call

Hamsters and most other rodents are not capable of performing the sorts of elaborate tricks that cats and dogs do. Nonetheless, they can learn simple behaviors. Here's one of the easiest tricks you can teach your hamster.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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    • 1

      Get to know your hamster. Play with him every day, at least a few times a day. Feed him treats from your hand and pay attention to which ones he likes and which ones he doesn't.

    • 2

      Take your hamster's favorite treat, rub it on your hand to get the smell and then hold it in your closed hand. Sunflower seeds are a good choice for most hamsters, but pay attention to your pet's tastes.

    • 3

      Open the cage and hold your hand by the door.

    • 4

      Wait for the hamster to come by and investigate. Many times, hamsters are startled by having their cages opened, so this could take half a minute or more.

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      If the hamster does not seem interested, close the cage and try again later.

    • 6

      If the hamster comes over, give her a treat. Then close the cage.

    • 7

      Practice this trick at least twice a day for a while until your hamster comes quickly every time you hold your hand out to him.

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      Begin to vary the routine. Sometimes, you can pick up the hamster after you give her the treat, other times simply let her stay in the cage. Sometimes, don't give her a treat but pet her instead. You can even try using different treats.

    • 9

      With practice, your hamster will learn to come whether you have a treat or not.