How to Make a Hamster Mansion

Since they're small and contained, don't need walked and rarely trigger allergies, hamsters are popular pets. One drawback is hamsters need to be contained most of the time. A free-wandering hamster is a danger to himself and the house. So, it's great to provide your hamsters with a stimulating and satisfying enclosure. Fortunately, their small size makes it easy to provide a hamster mansion is a relatively small space.


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      Provide them with rooms. Spending their time in a rodent equivalent of a one room apartment is not very exciting for your hamsters. Find an enclosure that you can connect with secure tubes and provide several different enclosure areas.

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      Watch the architecture. It's tempting to go overboard with tubes. While they're great for the natural burrowing instinct of the hamster, they don't provide ventilation so it's best to keep them to a minimum. Think more rooms, less hallway.

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      Offer specialized areas. Provide a spa with specialized hamster sand for bathing. Offer them a snack bar with plenty of healthy food, water and treats. Give them a gym with a plethora of toys and an exercise wheel.

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      Be a good butler. Even the most luxurious mansion needs upkeep. Make sure you clean up waste, freshen up their food and change their bedding on a regular basis.

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      Remember that hamsters are chewers. While plastic enclosures and tubing do provide a lot of options for layout, they're also chewable. Monitor the mansion for any escape possibilities and replace any tubing that shows signs of wear or chewing.