How to Get to Know a Hamster Better

Having a pet hamster can be a great experience. Getting to know your hamster can benefit both you and your pet because you will be able to care for it more completely. Follow these tips in order to get to know your hamster better.


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      Keep your hamster in a quiet place for the first few days. He will need time to adjust to his new environment. Don't put him in an area with loud noise or bright lights. Cover his cage with a towel to keep him isolated while he gets used to his surroundings.

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      Handle your hamster at least once a day. Call him by his name and speak to him gently so that he'll get used to your voice.

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      Hold your hamster gently with two cupped hands. Make sure there is no way for him to escape or jump out of your hands. Don't leave him on a table or other high areas, as he may decide to walk off the edge.

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      Wash your hands before and after handling your hamster. When putting him back in his cage, make sure it is securely tightened before leaving. Hamsters are very inquisitive and just might find that small unsecured area to crawl out of.

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      Feed your hamster regularly and give him snacks as a treat. Items of food given can be small chunks of cheese, broccoli, carrots, peas and small slices of apples. Keep the cage clean and well maintained.

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      Play with your hamster often so he gets to know you. Interact with your hamster, but also realize when he's had enough. Most hamsters sleep in the day and are awake at night. Adjust to the hamster's schedule in order to spend quality time with him.