How to Choose a Cage for a Syrian Hamster

Hamsters are very popular household pets. The Syrian hamster, also called the golden hamster, is the most popular and most common breed of hamster. When purchasing a hamster, it is important to choose and set up the appropriate cage so that the hamster will be happy, healthy and comfortable.

Things You'll Need

  • Water bottle
  • Bowl
  • Dust free bedding
  • Hamster chew toys
  • Hamster wheel
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      Purchase a hamster cage that has various levels or landings. A cage of two to three levels is ideal for Syrian hamsters since they like to climb. Make sure the cage has a sold base. A wire-based floor is not suitable for a Syrian hamster.

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      Limit each cage to one to three hamsters. Be careful not to put males and females together in the same cage unless you intend to breed them.

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      Place dust free bedding in the bottom of the cage. Use enough bedding so the hamster can burrow. The base of the cage must be high enough so that the hamster can burrow and/or build a nest in the bedding to feel safe and secure. Use the right type of bedding because woodchips or cedar chips are unhealthy to a Syrian hamster.

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      Set up the water bottle and the food bowl. Make sure that you hang the water bottle at a height where the hamster can comfortably reach it.

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      Put chew toys in the base of the cage and/or on each level. The chew toys should be large enough for the hamster to get in.

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      Add a hamster wheel so that your hamster can exercise. All Syrian hamsters love to run around a hamster wheel.