How to Keep a Pet Hamster

Hamsters are fuzzy, soft and cuddly. Most children love them and parents are likely to give in to their request as a pet because it looks comparatively easy to care for. Here are some ways to help you keep a pet hamster.


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      Consider the safety features when choosing a cage for the hamster. It must be a good size for the hamster to move around and grow into. Also, provide some exercise tunnels for it to play in and some woods chips that are safe for its chewing needs.

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      Clean the cage at least once a week and change the drinking water daily. Remove any food that is not eaten and replace daily. A clean living environment is vital to a healthy hamster.

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      Provide a balanced diet to your hamster. You can get hamster food at the pet store that has all the essential nutrients. Hamsters are also happy to get a treat. Fruits such as grapes, apples chunks and vegetables such as lettuce, carrots or cabbage are ideal.

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      Take the hamster out of its cage and let it exercise in a hamster ball once or twice a week.

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      Take caution when playing with your hamster as it may bite. Be careful not to drop it as it may get injured. Always supervise small children when they play with your pet hamster.

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      Watch out for signs of a sick hamster such as lethargy, especially in the night when it's supposed to be active. Also keep an eye out for diarrhea or any irregular behavior as those are signs that it is sick and needs treatment.

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      Give your hamster plenty of love, care and play time.