How to Accessorize a Hamster's Cage

A hamster is a great pet for children and adults alike. There are many products on the market to help make accessorizing a hamster's cage a fun, though possibly expensive, way to care for your hamster.


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      Choose a house for your hamster. A house for a hamster isn't a luxury; it's a must to help keep your pet happy. There are many choices for a house for your hamster, including multi-story houses, houses built like castles, houses built like cars, beds and televisions, edible houses and brightly colored, plastic houses.

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      Purchase an exercise wheel to accessorize your hamster's cage. Like the hamster house, an exercise wheel for your hamster is a must. Exercise wheels keep your hamster healthy and happy. Plastic and brightly colored wheels may look cute, but they're harder to keep clean and may not be as good for your hamster as a metal wheel. Speak to your vet or go to your pet store to find a fun wheel that will also keep your pet healthy.

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      Consider plastic add-ons to your cage. Add-ons use tubes, wheels and loops to keep your hamster entertained. You can even link various hamster cages together, building extremely large habitats for your hamster. One complaint about these is the difficulty cleaning them.

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      Add a simple plastic or cardboard tube that hamsters can hide in, play in or sleep in to accessorize your hamster's cage.

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      Get a hamster ball for your pet. A hamster ball is a large plastic ball that allows hamsters run around your home in. Hamster balls are clear plastic and come in many colors. These are great for hamsters that need a change of scenery (usually while owners are cleaning out their cages).