Is Newspaper Ink Bad for Hamsters?

Choosing the right type of bedding to place in your hamster's cage is important because your hamster's bedding can affect his happiness and health. A quick trip to your local pet store will provide you with a wide variety of hamster bedding options to choose from, so there's no reason to settle for a bedding that could potentially harm your hamster, such as old newspapers.
  1. Hamster Bedding

    • The purpose of placing bedding in your hamster's cage is to provide him with material to build a burrow out of as well as to pad the floor so he'll be more comfortable. Bedding also absorbs spilled water and your hamster's bodily fluids. Hamsters are in constant physical contact with their bedding. Your hamster walks on it, sleeps in it and rubs against it constantly while in his cage. Your hamster may even consume bits and pieces of the bedding along with his food when he eats.

    Newspaper Ink

    • Newspapers are not recommended for use as hamster bedding because the ink contains an assortment of dyes and chemicals that aren't healthy for your little pal to consume. Newspapers are generally not considered toxic, but you should still avoid putting your hamster in a position where he might consume ink when there are so many other options available.

    Health Concerns

    • Newspaper bedding may cause digestive problems if eaten by your hamster, causing him to have diarrhea, vomiting or even prolonged signs of illness such as lethargy and a loss of appetite. Shredded newspaper can also cause problems with hamsters if the shreds get trapped in your hamster's cheek pouches. The ink from newspaper bedding may stain your hamster's coat or irritate your hamster's skin when he burrows into the bedding. Skin irritation may cause hair loss, itchiness and discoloration.

    Recycled Bedding

    • Recycled newspaper bedding is sold specifically for use in the cages of pet hamsters. Recycled newspaper bedding takes old newspapers and processes them into a pet safe, non-toxic bedding option for your hamster. It's OK to use commercially sold hamster bedding that contains recycled newspapers because these products have been treated and tested for use with pets. However, you should always watch your hamster for signs of discomfort or irritation any time you start using a new bedding.