Caring for and Training a Roborovski Dwarf Hamster

The Roborovski dwarf hamster is a Russian hamster frequently known as a ̶0;Robo.̶1; These tiny creatures grow to be no longer than two inches in length and have a lifespan of up to three years. Extremely fast runners, Roborovski hamsters can be a challenge to keep contained. Their natural curiosity and personable nature make them likeable pets suitable for children.
  1. Housing

    • Because of their small stature, Roborovski hamsters should be kept in a glass aquarium or a mouse cage. A cage with wide bars is easy for a Roborovski hamster to escape from, and being fast runners, they are hard to catch. Avoid cedar bedding, which can irritate the hamster̵7;s respiratory system, opting instead for shredded hay, newspaper or pine bedding. Roborovski hamsters love to tunnel, so provide several inches of bedding for them to play in and under. Use earthenware or ceramic feeding bowls and glass water tubes rather than their plastic counterparts, which Roborovski hamsters will quickly chew through.


    • A commercially-produced hamster food provides an appropriate mix of nutrients for Roborovski hamsters. You can supplement this diet with very small amounts of vegetables like carrots or cucumbers. Avoid leafy greens and be aware that too much vegetable material will cause intestinal distress. One-quarter of a tablespoon per day is enough. Always remove uneaten wet food from the cage within 24 hours to avoid spoilage.


    • Roborovski hamsters are near-sighted, but they have acute voice recognition. The more a Roborovski hamster is handled and softly spoken to, the tamer it will become. While not known for biting, Roborovski hamsters move quickly, so always handle them over a soft surface, preferably an enclosed surface to prevent escape. Even though they are not known for train-ability, Roborovski hamsters have been known to retrieve treats from the hands of owners they are comfortable with. You may also attempt maze training by using favorite treats as incentives and encouraging your Roborovski hamster to start with simple mazes and building up to complex structures if he responds well.


    • Much like their need for small living quarters, Roborovski hamsters do best with mouse-sized running wheels and climbing structures. In general, most Roborovski hamsters are too small for plastic hamster balls, which they find difficult to push around, given their light weight. These small hamsters also need wheels without spaces, so they don't fall through.


    • Roborovski hamsters can be bred beginning at eight weeks of age. Gestation is between 23 and 30 days. A typical litter is five pups, although larger litters are not uncommon. Unlike other hamster breeds where the father can harm the young, Roborovski hamster fathers assist the mother during birth and with child-rearing.