Pros & Cons of Hamsters

Just about every child wants a pet; something about having an animal around the house gets kids excited. Getting a large animal, such as a dog, however, can present a huge commitment, both in terms of time and money. You may decide to placate your kids and give in part-way by getting a hamster. Children like hamsters because they are cute and cuddly, and they don't mind small hands playing with them. Before you take the plunge into hamster-ownership, consider the pros and cons that could affect your decision.
  1. Pro: Price

    • A huge advantage of ownership of a hamster over a larger animal is the cost. At time of publication, the hamster itself should cost approximately 15 dollars, as does its cage. You can expect to spend a few dollars on an exercise wheel, a water bottle, a food dish and on wood shavings. Food will cost you dollars per month, and you will rarely have vet bills. Compare these costs to the expense of keeping a dog, for example, which can cost thousands alone in vet bills. You can also usually find someone to "sit" with your hamster for free if you go on vacation, while a dog must often be housed in an expensive kennel.

    Pro: Care

    • Another major advantage of owning a hamster over a larger pet is the time commitment. Hamsters are simple rodents that do not require a lot of care. You or your child needs to clean its cage and provide regular food and fresh water on a daily basis, but these maintenance and housekeeping tasks are typically the only care necessary. Hamsters are safe for children and can entertain them after school, as they are often content to play during the day if you get them into a regular rhythm.

    Con: Bad Habits

    • While hamsters are cute little animals that your kids will probably love, they have some bad habits that might give you pause. For example, a hamster can escape its cage and run away, which can be an annoyance. You might spend days looking under beds and couches for a stray hamster. They also like to chew and can bite if they're in a bad mood.

    Con: Other Annoyances

    • Before purchasing a hamster, consider additional factors. Hamsters are typically nocturnal, which isn't a problem if the hamster cage is housed in its own room. But if your child wants to keep the cage in his bedroom, the hamster can keep him up at night. In addition, you also must consider the hamster's smell, which some people find offensive. Finally, before you purchase a hamster, find out if your child or anyone in your household is allergic to hamster fur.