How to Make Your Own Awesome Hamster Cage

There are several basic structures that can be used as hamster cages. Common cages include modified aquariums, barred cages and plastic modular cages. For the DIYer there are even instructions on how to make a cage out of a storage tote. Any of these basic cages can be made into an awesome hamster cage by adding toys, tubes, balls and various other items that your hamster finds exciting. Turn your hamster's humble home into a castle-like abode with hidden rooms, bridges and even mood lighting.

Things You'll Need

  • Cube shaped tissue box
  • Bedding material
  • 1/2-inch colored acrylic sheet
  • Utility knife
  • Non-toxic aquarium sealant
  • Clear flex tubing
  • Empty toilet paper roll
  • Tubing hangers
  • 1/8-inch dowel rods
  • Fabric
  • Glue
  • 3-inch diameter craft mirror
  • Glitter
  • Marbles
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    • 1

      Create a hidden bedroom for your hamster by removing the plastic covering from the opening in a cube shaped tissue box. Fill the interior with bedding material and glue bedding to the outside of the box as well. Place the room in a back corner of the cage and mound more bedding on top of it to make it look like a hill. This material doesn't need to be glued down but it can be if you'd like.

    • 2

      Score a piece of 1/2-inch colored acrylic with a utility knife and snap it off so it will fix snugly inside your cage. Use non-toxic aquarium sealant to glue it in place about halfway up the side of the cage. This will be the second story of your awesome hamster cage. The colored acrylic will allow the hamster to see the platform while still allowing light to filter through. If you have a tall cage, you can add multiple levels in different colors.

    • 3

      Run clear flexible tubing from one level of the cage to the next. Secure the ends with glue. This will allow the hamster to get from one level to the next. You can also run tubing along the sides of the cage, securing them with tubing hangers, and even create a spiral staircase by wrapping the tubing around an empty toilet paper roll and gluing it down.

    • 4

      Make a fabric panel door for your hamster to enter a private eating area through. Cut a 1/8-inch dowel rod into eight pieces -- four that are 8 inches long and four that are 6 inches long. Glue them together to create two rectangles with 8-inch sides and 6-inch tops and bottoms. Glue fabric to these panels and secure them to the sides of the cage around the food dish and water bottle. If your hamster has a special area that it likes to use as a bathroom, cordon that off as well.

    • 5

      Add the finishing touches by making a faux reflecting pool for your hamster to gaze into. Glue marbles around the edge of a 3-inch diameter craft mirror. Dust the top of the mirror with glitter. Set this in the center of the cage for the hamster to enjoy.