Ways to Give Your Hamster Water

Hamsters require little care compared to larger animals, however, pet owners must ensure their hamsters have access to clean water at all times of the day. Hamsters drink between 20 ml and 30 ml of water per day, a surprising amount considering they only measure between 2 and 3 inches in length. Hamster owners can use a mixture of hydration methods to keep their pets healthy.
  1. Bottle

    • Pet owners should use an inverted cylindrical bottle filled with water to keep their hamsters hydrated. These bottles contain a nozzle with a tube that contains a ball bearing. When the hamster sucks on the tube, gravity causes the water to flow through the tube. An 8-oz. bottle will last a single hamster for days before its owner needs to refill the bottle, but The Human Society recommends changing the water every day. Pet owners can purchase these bottles at pet stores and most big box stores.


    • Use a heavy ceramic or plastic dish for a hamster. Dig a hole in the bedding and place the dish inside the crevasse so the hamster cannot tip over the dish. Hamsters must have a dry living environment, or they can suffer a respiratory infection. They will become sick if they drink water contaminated with their own feces or food. For this reason, a pet owner who uses a water dish should change the water in the dish and check the cage for moisture a few times a day.


    • Hamsters drink less fluid than expected if their owners provide them with fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Give hamsters fresh fruits and vegetables every few days. Acceptable foods include most fruits and veggies, such as spinach, lettuce, carrots and apples. Don't give them raw beans, onions, uncooked potatoes, human junk food and rhubarb. Pet owners can also wash produce to provide their hamsters with additional moisture.


    • Pet owners should almost always choose a bottle to water their hamster. Hamster pups present a unique problem, because they have to learn how to use a bottle and require more frequent hydration. An owner who cannot quickly teach pups to use a bottle should place a shallow dish in the cage and fill it with a small amount of water, because hamster pups can easily drown in a deep water dish.