How to Fix a Hamster Water Bottle Holder

One of the most important aspects of caring for your pet hamster is making sure it has a proper supply of water. Without water, a hamster can suffer and die from severe dehydration. When checking and refilling your hamster's water bottle, make sure its holder is working effectively. If you find a problem with your hamster's water bottle holder, you will need to repair the problem as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy-duty tape
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      Research the specific water bottle holder you purchased for your hamster's cage to determine whether any specific troubleshooting instructions for a broken holder are given. Because water bottle holders come in a variety of styles, you should always tailor the repair process to the individual needs of your product. Some water bottle holders offer lifetime warranties.

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      Locate and isolate the problem. Determine whether your holder has a break or defect. For example, if the clip or wires attaching the bottle to the cage are defective, you will handle the repair differently than if the defect was on the piece keeping the back of the bottle in place.

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      Use heavy-duty tape to secure the water bottle to the holder if it's out of the hamster's reach. For example, some wire water bottle holders are attached outside the cage. With these types of holders, it is appropriate to secure the holder with heavy-duty tape. However, don't place tape anywhere inside the cage, even if the water bottle holder is inside the cage, as the hamster can chew on this material and become very ill.

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      Reposition and secure the water bottle holder if it has loosened. Move the water bottle holder to different spots in the cage to determine whether the bottle's location is causing the problem.

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      Take back your water bottle holder to the store where you purchased it. Ask about the problem you are experiencing. An expert at the pet shop may be able to help you find a solution for your unique problem. You may also be eligible to receive a warranty replacement.