How to Make Your Hamster Not Smelly

Hamsters groom themselves fastidiously, so a stinky hamster is an unwanted surprise. If your hamster's gotten into something particularly noxious, or is extra filthy, you can give it a bath as long as you are very careful about the process. For smelly hamsters that are a little less filthy, other methods will help keep your beloved pet neat and clean.

Things You'll Need

  • Shallow bowl
  • Towel
  • Damp cloth
  • Bowl of chinchilla sand
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  1. Baths

    • 1

      Fill a shallow bowl with an inch or two of warm water. Make sure the water is a comfortable temperature ̵2; neither too hot or too cold.

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      Place the hamster in the water very carefully, making sure its face and ears don't get wet. Avoid shampoo except in dire circumstances; trimming dirty fur is preferable when possible. If you must use shampoo, use only a small amount of baby-safe shampoo and rinse it off thoroughly afterward. Hamsters groom their fur regularly and could accidentally ingest the shampoo, which can lead to serious health problems.

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      Wipe the hamster down very gently.

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      Dry your hamster gently with a soft towel. Wrap the hamster up until it's completely dry, but be careful its claws don't get caught in the nap of the towel. Don't put your hamster back in its cage until it's fully dried out.


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      Brush your hamster gently with a soft children's toothbrush if its fur is tangled or dirty.

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      Spot-clean dirty patches with a damp cloth, making sure to dry the hamster off afterward.

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      Clean the hamster's cage regularly, changing out soiled bedding and washing food dishes and water bottles. A clean environment will help your hamster stay clean.

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      Offer a small dish with chinchilla sand in it for hamsters to roll around in. If your hamster shows no interest in the bowl in her usual habitat, take her out and place her in the bowl of sand yourself. She should roll around a bit, using the sand to clean herself.