How to Make Hamster Tubes From Water Bottles

In order to stay healthy and active, a hamster needs plenty of stimulation and activity throughout the day. Chewing toys and performing nesting activities are important aspects of this activity but hamsters also need to move. An economical and practical way to create ample running space for your hamster is to recycle clean water bottles into running tubes. This project offers an inexpensive and responsible way to support the daily well-being of your pet.

Things You'll Need

  • X-acto knife
  • Electrical tape
  • Hair dryer
  • 16-ounce water bottles
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    • 1

      Remove the label from each of the water bottles being used for tubing.

    • 2

      Cut the tops of the bottles off with the X-acto knife, at the bottom of the neck. The result is a tube of uniform diameter.

    • 3

      Cut the bottoms of the bottles out except for one that will be the end piece.

    • 4

      Apply hot air to each bottle that you would like to have a curve. Heat each bottle, one by one, until it becomes easier to shape. Curve the bottle into the desired shape then hold it that ay until the bottle cools down. Shaping is limited but some degree of curve can be added to the bottles, if desired.

    • 5

      Insert an open end of one bottle slightly into an open end of another bottle. Do this for each bottle for the entire length of the tube. Be sure the bottle with a closed bottom is located at the outer end of the tube.

    • 6

      Wrap each connection point with a couple layers of electrical tape to secure the stability of the tube.

    • 7

      Use the X-acto knife to bore several small air holes into the top and bottom side of each bottle.