Can Hamsters Have Pinworms?

Infection due to the presence of an endoparasite known as pinworm is one of the many health disorders occurring amongst hamsters. These tiny worms cause adverse effects on the animal's digestive capability. While hamsters do not get pinworms often, once infected, the incidence can be high, because hamsters are coprophagic in nature.
  1. Symptoms of Pinworms

    • Hamsters may not show obvious signs of pinworm infestation. Nonetheless, keep a lookout for general symptoms that include swelling in the abdomen, inflammation of the feet, irritation in the anal area, decreased appetite, loss of weight, and a coarse animal coat. When the hamster passes out the eggs of the worms in the feces, it can lead to severe itching in the anal region.


    • If a hamster shows general symptoms of pinworm infestation, consult a vet immediately. Examination of the feces of the affected animal is necessary, as this test reveals the existence of pinworms. Alternatively, the vet may check the anal region for pinworm eggs.


    • The infected hamster requires treatment immediately once the vet confirms the diagnosis. Pet owners need not worry as this infection is completely curable. The vet will prescribe antihelminthics for your pet. Add these medications in the food or water, or use as advised by the vet. Piperazine citrate is effective treatment for pinworms. Just add it to the drinking water. This medication requires two rounds of one week each.


    • Although pinworm infestation is rare in hamsters, taking certain preventive measures can ensure complete protection. As the mode of transmission is the oral-fecal route, proper hygiene and sanitary conditions are imperative. Clean the cage everyday, dispose of droppings, change the cage's substrate, wash the feeding and drinking bowls well, and use a disinfectant to clean the cage thoroughly. If your pet has just received treatment for pinworms, maintain the cleaning routine. Traces of residual pinworm eggs in the cage can cause a recurrence.