How to Make Your Hamster Less Fat

A combination of too much of the wrong foods and too little exercise leads to obesity in pets as well as people. A fat hamster might look cute, but obesity is uncomfortable for the animal and can lead to life-threatening health problems. If your hamster is overweight, gradually change its lifestyle so it loses the excess fat and can enjoy a better quality of life. Most hamsters enjoy being active, so this should not be a problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh produce
  • Hay
  • Fruit tree twigs
  • Hamster exercise wheel
  • Exercise pen
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    • 1

      Stop feeding the hamster unhealthful treats, if you or any members of your family do this. Many hamsters love sugary or fatty snacks, but such treats are not good for them. Don't feed the hamster any cooked or processed food or anything that is high in sugar, salt or fat.

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      Limit other fattening treats, such as fruit and commercial hamster treats, to once or twice a week. Fruit is good in moderation, but it is high in sugar. Instead of fruit, offer your hamster pieces of fresh vegetables, such as celery and cauliflower.

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      Measure the quantity of hamster mix you feed your pet. An adult hamster needs about 1 tbsp. of mix a day, although many hamsters will store, and perhaps eat, much more. If you are unsure how much to feed your pet, talk with a vet who is experienced with small rodents.

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      Introduce hay to the diet. Timothy or oat hay is low in calories and provides something for the hamster to chew on. Give your hamster a small handful each day. Fruit tree twigs or wood chews also occupy the hamster and are good for its teeth.

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      Install an exercise wheel in the hamster's cage if there is not one there already. Hamsters sometimes run for several miles a night, which is impossible without a wheel. Choose a solid wheel, not one with rungs that can trap the hamster's feet and potentially cause injury.

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      Allow your hamster some time outside the cage every day. Running around and exploring is good exercise, and it makes the hamster's life more interesting. Ensure that the room is hamster-proof, with no cracks in walls or around doors through which your hamster could escape. If this isn't practical, get an exercise pen for your hamster.