How to Care for a Newt as a Pet

Newts, also known as salamanders, are amphibians that resemble lizards in appearance. However, they have a smooth moist body without scales, claws or visible ear openings.

As newts can be aquatic, semi-aquatic or terrestrial, you must provide a living environment depending upon the type that you own. These inquisitive creatures are interesting to watch and easy to care for as pets.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Fishnet
  • Live prey: earthworms, white worms, tiny crickets, slugs, wingless fruit flies, brine shrimp and black worms
  • Dead prey: chopped bloodworm, small water snails and strips of raw, lean meat
  • Fresh dechlorinated water or bottled spring water
  • Tight-fitting lid
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      Use wet hands or gloves if you need to handle terrestrial or semi-aquatic newts, and a fishnet for aquatic newts. Ensure that your hands are detergent-free and moist before handling. If wearing gloves, they should be made from unpowdered vinyl. Newts have a highly sensitive skin that absorbs chemicals, salts and oils from human hands. Additionally, they secrete a toxic fluid that can irritate your skin. Hold the newt in the palm of one hand, gently resting the thumb on the top of its head or neck, with the index finger under the throat.

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      Feed your newt every day at night, as these amphibians are nocturnal. Offer it a varied diet consisting of live or dead prey to ensure a nutritional balance. Terrestrial newts are attracted to prey by movement and should be fed live prey including earthworms, white worms, tiny crickets, slugs, wingless fruit flies, brine shrimp and black worms. Feed aquatic and semi-aquatic newts dead prey such as chopped bloodworm, small water snails and strips of raw, lean meat. Remove leftover food to prevent the growth of bacteria.

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      Ensure a steady supply of fresh dechlorinated water or bottled spring water in a shallow dish. Monitor the water at regular intervals, as newts tend to defecate in their bowl.

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      Keep your newt's living environment clean at all times. Failure to do so will attract bacterial and fungal organisms. Thoroughly wash and sterilize any decorative items such as plants, wildwood and rocks before placing them in your newt's habitat.

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      Cover your newt's enclosure with a tight-fitting lid. Newts can escape if the lid is not securely placed.