How to Feed a Tiger Salamander

Tiger salamanders are large, brightly-colored amphibians native to North America. In addition to their attractive size and appearance, they are a popular amphibian pet because their ease of care and longevity in captivity -- they can live over 15 years when properly cared for. Tiger salamanders feed on a wide range of food items in captivity and have a distinct personality when it comes to feeding due to their voracious appetite. Tiger salamanders are carnivorous as developing larvae and as adults, making them easy to feed in captivity.

Things You'll Need

  • Crickets
  • Earthworms
  • Bloodworms
  • Guppies
  • Meat
  • Mealworms
  • Waxworms
  • Pinky mice
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  1. Feeding Larval Salamanders

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      Feed larval tiger salamanders appropriately-sized crickets two to three times each week. Crickets should be no larger than the size of the tiger salamanders head to ensure that the salamander can easily swallow the cricket.

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      Supplement their cricket diet with a few bloodworms or earthworms every other feeding.

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      Place a few small feeder guppies in the aquarium with larval tiger salamanders each month to encourage the salamander to actively hunt down the fish. In addition to providing exercise for the salamander and preventing weight problems, the guppies also serve as a special treat for developing tiger salamanders.

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      Remove any uneaten food from the enclosure after 24 hours to prevent water quality problems.

    Feeding Adult Salamanders

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      Place several adult crickets in the enclosure with adult salamanders three times each week. Most tiger salamanders will learn to recognize crickets right away and actively hunt them down, making it easy to gauge how many crickets you should feed your salamander. Only offer as many crickets as your salamander will eat at one time.

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      Remove any uneaten food after 24 hours. Crickets and mealworms left in a salamander enclosure for several days can seriously injury or even kill tiger salamanders with their chewing mouth parts.

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      Supplement the tiger salamanders cricket-based diet with mealworms, earthworms and waxworms with every other feeding.

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      Offer tiger salamanders a small baby mouse once every month to provide a special treat and maintain a healthy body size. Baby mice are high in fat and low in nutrients, and should only be offered on occasion to prevent overfeeding your tiger salamander.