How to Feed Brine Shrimp to Salamander Larvae

Brine shrimp are the first meal for a salamander larvae. The larvae are 1/2 inch or smaller, depending on the breed, when they hatch. The shrimp are gut-loaded with nutrients before they are fed to the salamanders. The nutrient-rich shrimp food is available at pet stores. This procedure ensures the salamander larvae receive the proper nutrients in order to develop into healthy adults.

Things You'll Need

  • Brine shrimp
  • Enriched brine shrimp food
  • Fine mesh net or sieve
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      Feed the brine shrimp the nutrient-rich food. If hatching the shrimp yourself, add live phytoplankton about six hours before the shrimp hatch.

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      Place the brine shrimp into a net or sieve. Gently rinse with fresh water. This removes any salt and bacteria that is harmful to the salamander larvae.

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      Add the brine shrimp into the salamander larvae tank. Place the shrimp close to the larvae. The larvae will begin eating one day after hatching, but are relatively motionless.