How to Care for Newt Salamanders

Proper care for your newt salamander can ensure that your pet lives for many years; salamanders have the ability to live for extensive periods of time, often 20 years or more, so proper care is vital. Caring for your newt salamander requires a little research, preparation and a commitment to your pet's well-being, but is relatively easy to do.

Things You'll Need

  • Tank
  • Plants
  • Rocks
  • Pitcher
  • Bottled spring water
  • Live worms, spiders, crickets or insects
  • Tweezers
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    • 1

      Learn about what type of newt salamander you have. Conduct research through online resources or take your pet to a local pet shop in order to identify the species of newt salamander you have. Newt care varies by species, so learning about your particular newt salamander will help you care for your pet. Read about feeding habits, tank preparation, cohabitation and anything else you want to learn for the care of your salamander.

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      Set up the tank for the newt salamander. Place plants and rocks in the tank and fill the tank with treated, non-chlorine water. Excess chemicals in water can be harmful to your pet, so allow water to sit in a pitcher for 24 hours so that gasses and chemicals will dissolve. If this is not an option, use bottled spring water to partially fill the tank.

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      Place your newt salamander in its cage and let it get used to its new home. The move and new surroundings may cause it to become stressed, and it may take several days for the animal to eat.

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      Feed your newt salamander live worms, crickets or spiders. Salamanders prefer live food and may not eat frozen or dead insects. Place the food in the salamander's tank and observe its eating habits; you may need to add more insects or reduce the portion based on what the salamander eats. If your pet has adapted poorly to the move, try feeding it with a pair of tweezers. Create a schedule of feedings, about once every three or four days, and stick to it for your pet.

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      Clean the salamander's tank every couple of weeks and add new water, remove skin, insect parts and waste. Keep the salamander in an appropriate temperature, based on your initial research. Appropriate care will help your salamander have a long life.