How to Set Up a Tank for a Newt

Newts are small amphibians than live on land or in water and make for fascinating pets to watch. Because of their sensitive, porous skin, newts are affected by changes in their habitat both in the wild and in captivity. Newts do best in tanks that closely mimic their natural environments, be they terrestrial or aquatic habitats. Setting up your pet's tank properly will ensure that your newt thrives in its man-made environment.

Things You'll Need

  • Gravel
  • Sifter
  • 20-gallon tank
  • Water conditioner
  • Filter
  • Tank accessories
  • Aquarium light
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    • 1
      Use gravel that is large enough that your newt can't swallow it.

      Wash the gravel under hot water using the sifter to remove dust from the gravel before it enters the tank.

    • 2
      A 20-gallon tank can house three to four newts.

      Add the gravel to the newt's 20-gallon tank. Add an even layer of gravel to the bottom of the tank for water-dwelling newts. For semi-aquatic newts, build the gravel higher on one side of the tank so they may have access to both water and a dry surface.

    • 3
      Newts prefer cool water to warm water.

      Fill the tank with water. Newts prefer water that has a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or cooler.

    • 4
      A water filter sifts debris from the tank water to keep the newt's environment clean.

      Treat the water with a water conditioner and filter to rid it of any chemicals that may harm your newt. Follow the water conditioner manufacturer's directions regarding how much of the conditioner to use per gallon of water in your tank.

    • 5
      Add plants to your newt's tank to give it a place to hide.

      Wash any man-made tank accessories with hot water before adding them to the tank. Tank accessories your newt might enjoy are small wooden logs, fake or natural tank plants or large stones. Place accessories so that newts can hide beneath them or sit on top of them.

    • 6
      Consult with a pet store associate to see what kind of lighting your newt needs.

      Fit your tank with an aquarium light. The kind of light and the amount of light your newt needs will depend on its species.