How Would You Set Up an Aquarium for Fire Salamanders?

Fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) are a small species of amphibian native to Europe, Northwest Africa and Southwest Asia. Fire salamanders can grow up to 12 inches in length and live 25 to 30 years. They're easy to care for if they're given the right environment. They are lively animals, so they need a larger environment than most ground-dwelling amphibians. A 15-to-20 gallon aquarium is preferred for two adult fire salamanders.

Things You'll Need

  • 15-to-20 gallon aquarium
  • Coco husk or other loose, lightweight material
  • Hollow log
  • Water bowl
  • Thermometers
  • Fluorescent UVB tube light
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      Layer the bottom of the aquarium with coco husk or other materials that are good for burrowing, such as sphagnum or live moss, sandy soil or orchid bark. Avoid vermiculite and gravel, because they are difficult for fire salamanders to burrow through.

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      Place a hollow log in the aquarium so the amphibians have a natural hiding place. Substitute anything large enough for the salamander to fit in if a hollow log isn't available, such as a small flower pot or aquarium decoration. Ensure that there is one hiding place for every salamander in the aquarium.

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      Place a bowl of water in the aquarium. Make sure the water is no deeper than the salamander's height when it is at rest. Change the water daily to prevent bacteria buildup.

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      Place a small thermometer on either end of the tank to monitor temperature. Keep the temperature of the tank between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not let the temperature climb above 75 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent the amphibians from suffering from heat stress.

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      Place a fluorescent UVB tube above one side of the aquarium to provide light without creating additional heat. A standard fluorescent light can be used if there are no live plants in the environment.