How to Keep a Tiger Salamander

Known to live up to 25 years, several subspecies of tiger salamanders range over much of North America. A thick bodied lizard--like amphibian with a blunt snout and stubby legs, tiger salamanders are born with gills and live the first stage of their lives in water. Tiger salamanders grow to between 6 to 12 inches in length and are named after the black, grey or yellow stripe-like bars they develop after becoming terrestrial as adults.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass enclosure with cover
  • Potting soil
  • Rocks
  • Tree branches
  • Thermometer with hanger
  • Water dish
  • Food
  • Spray bottle
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    • 1

      Choose a glass enclosure, such as an aquarium or terrarium. Wash the enclosure, and all accessories, with a mild nontoxic soap and rinse thoroughly with plain water.

    • 2

      Cover the bottom of the habitat with 2 inches of pure potting soil. Do not use soil with added fertilizer. Spray the potting soil with water until the soil is damp, but not wet.

    • 3

      Scatter assorted rocks, stones and pieces of sticks and bark over the soil. Place a shallow dish filled with approximately 1.5 inches of water in the cage. Push the dish in the dirt so there will be less chance of the dish being spilled.

    • 4

      Select a spot for the cage where the temperature is fairly constant, in the 65 to 70 degree Fahrenheit range. Do not place the cage in direct sunlight, as the sun hitting the glass can cause the temperature inside the enclosure to reach dangerous levels. Hang the thermometer on the inside of the enclosure, facing outward.

    • 5

      Place your salamander in its new home and place the cover on the enclosure.

    • 6

      Feed the salamander two or three live crickets, earth worms or wax worms two to three times a week. As tiger salamanders have a voracious appetite, you must control their food intake or they will become overweight. If you notice your pet getting fat, cut back slightly on the feedings.

    • 7

      Freshen the water bowl every few days and dampen the soil as needed. Clean the cage at least once every two weeks. Remove all the old dirt and replace with fresh soil.

    • 8

      Wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before feeding and handing your salamander. This is critical to keeping your pet healthy, as salamanders have extremely thin skin that will absorb any chemicals, including the natural oils on your hands.