How to Feed a Fire-Bellied Newt

Two species of fire-bellied newt are common in the pet trade. They are the Chinese fire-bellied newt and the closely related Japanese fire-bellied newt. Neither is particularly difficult to care for and raise. However, because of their long lives -- up to 30 years in some cases -- environmental requirements, and the difficulty of re-homing amphibians, newts are not pets to adopt on impulse. Both species of newt require a steady supply of live food, which you can purchase from a pet store, raise yourself or collect from your garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Live food
  • Bucket
  • Knife
  • Calcium supplement for amphibians
  • Vitamin supplement for amphibians
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    • 1

      Obtain various live, non-toxic invertebrates. Fire-bellied newts happily eat earthworms, bloodworms, brine and glass shrimp, crickets, slugs, insect larvae and maggots.

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      Wash any invertebrates caught in your garden, such as earthworms and slugs, in de-chlorinated tap water in a bucket. The simplest way to de-chlorinate tap water is to leave it in a bucket for 24 hours.

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      Cut up any food items that are longer than the newt.

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      Dust the food items with a calcium supplement specially formulated for amphibians each feeding, as per the directions. Also use a vitamin supplement for amphibians every second feeding.

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      Place the food near your newt. Your newt will need about three or four food items, two to four times a week. If some items are uneaten after half an hour, remove them and feed your newt fewer next time. If your newt eats all of its food within a few minutes, feed it a bit more.