How to Feed Mexican Walking Fish

The Mexican walking fish, also known as the Axolotl is a water-dwelling salamander that primarily breathes through gills, though it has a set of underdeveloped lungs. These animals are nearing extinction in the wild, with the largest population of them held in captivity. If you're lucky enough to have a pet Mexican walking fish, be cautious with how you care for it, especially when feeding it. Some foods that one of these animals likes another won't eat, so you have to learn what works for your Mexican walking fish.


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      Feed the Mexican walking fish every day, or every two days, depending on the type of food and the temperature of the water. Heavier foods will fill up the animal, so it won't have to eat as often, but the hotter the environment, the higher the animal's metabolism.

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      Feed the animal a variety of items, from live food and dead or manufactured food. Live food like earthworms and other types of worms, vinegar eels, brine shrimp and daphnia will cause the animal to hunt, which is always good for exercise. Brine shrimp and daphnia, as well as microworms, provide vitamins, while other types of worms provide protein.

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      Give the animal live food by dropping it into the aquarium. The animal will see the food and go after it. Large Axolotls may ignore daphnia, because they're so small, but daphnia is perfect for smaller Axolotls.

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      Squeeze the air out of salmon and trout pellets before you give them to the animal. With the air out, the animal won't emit as much gas, which causes the water to stink. Drop the food pellets or dead food into the aquarium near the animal so that the animal can see it and retrieve it.

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      Clean any excess food out of the aquarium as soon as the animals are finished feeding, so that the environment stays clean. Some food will have shells and exoskeletons that are indigestible, and the waste will remain in the aquarium, which can clog the filters and cause the environment to become filthy.