How to Care for Fire Belly Newts

The fire belly newt is an affordable pet. It has a long life span, usually five to 10 years and is an easy starter pet. Newts will be very happy with a few necessities and a watchful owner who follows these steps and keeps an eye out for sickness or disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Two fire belly newts
  • 10-gallon aquarium
  • Gravel
  • Larger smooth rocks
  • Frozen bloodworms
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      Purchase two newts and a 10-gallon aquarium tank. Newts like to have another of their species in the tank with them. A 10-gallon tank will house two newts comfortably.

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      Place the aquarium where it will be exposed to natural light. Newts need to have a regular schedule of dark time and light time. Make sure the tank has plants that will allow the newt shade if the light is too strong.

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      Set up the aquarium. Divide the tank into a water pool and a rocky area. Most newts spend the majority of their time in the water, but they need to be able to crawl out of the water at will. Cover the tank, since newts are escape artists.

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      Change one third of the water every two weeks. Use fresh water that has been sitting for 24 hours or has had a dechlorinator added.

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      Feed newts mostly live foods, such as earthworms, crickets and slugs. They also enjoy frozen bloodworms. Be careful not to overfeed the newts. They are happy to eat once every two or three days. Excess food will only lead to toxic conditions for the newt.