How to Know if a Salamander is Sick

Salamanders are a popular pet among children and adults alike. However, like other pets, disease and illness are constant threats. Learn how to identify the beginning signs of a salamander illness or disease and keep your salamander in top health.


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      Remember any past injuries to your pet salamander. Cuts, abrasions and scrapes can breed illness, as the wounds on your salamander's body can attract and harbor harmful bacteria.

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      Inspect the salamander's skin for burns and signs of fungal infections. White or red spots and patches on your salamanders may indicate that your salamander has been burned or has a fungal infection that needs to be treated.

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      Note the elasticity of your salamander's skin. Wrinkly, overly-soft or slippery skin may indicate an abnormal condition.

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      Look at your salamander's legs and feet for signs of swelling.

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      Watch your salamander's behavior. Lethargy, walking impediments, restricted mobility of one or more digits, and refusal to eat can signify that your salamander is ill.

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      Quarantine your salamander. Separating your salamander from others ensures a containment of the disease or illness and provides your salamander with a controlled, healthy space in which to get well.

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      Use medications, homemade and prescribed, wisely. Salamander skin is very porous and treatment of diseases or illnesses should be done only when considering their sensitivity. Treating a salamander for an illness or disease that they do not have or over-medicating a salamander may have disastrous effects.