How to Breed a Salamander

If you have a couple of salamanders and you would like to have some more than why not try to breed them. We all know the basics of breeding dogs and cats but salamanders are a completely different animal. The following steps should get you well on your way to breeding salamanders with ease.

Things You'll Need

  • Two salamanders, one of each sex
  • Aquarium with lid
  • Items from the salamander's natural habitat
  • Water hose
  • Mist nozzle
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    • 1

      Determine what species of salamander that you have. Different species require different habitats that determine when and how they breed.

    • 2

      House the salamanders in a setting that reflects their natural habitat. If their natural habitat has submerged branches and plants, then set up the aquarium to resemble that type of setting.

    • 3

      Check to make sure that the salamanders are of opposite sex. You can do this by determining the species that you have and then observing the color changes during breeding season. You can take your salamanders to a pet store and they can determine the species and sex of your salamanders if you need help.

    • 4

      Provide your salamander with 13 hours of daylight and 11 hours of darkness to immitate their natural habitat.

    • 5

      Drop the temperature in the aquarium to 50 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 days to encourage hibernation.

    • 6

      Create an artificial rainfall after hibernation. You can do this by placing a mist nozzle on the end of a hose and affixing it over the aquarium. Run fresh water through the aquarium for an hour every evening.

    • 7

      Provide a natural place for the salamander to deposit the eggs. Once again, this is determined by the species of salamander that you have.