What if a toenail got ripped off how long will it take for new one to grow back so i can go camp?

If a toenail becomes completely ripped off, it will, unfortunately, take several months (around 6-12) for a new nail to fully grow back. However, the exact timeline can vary from person to person.

Here's a general overview of the process:

1. 1st week: When the toenail comes off, there will be an open wound. Your focus will be on keeping it clean and dry to prevent infection. Your doctor might recommend a bandage or specific care instructions.

2. 2-4 weeks: Under the wound, a red tissue forms, which is the nail bed. New skin may also start covering the wound.

3. 4-6 weeks: This is when nail growth starts. A small, fleshy protrusion appears on the nail bed, which is the beginning of the new nail.

4. 6-12 months: The new nail gradually grows out from the nail bed until it reaches its normal length. The growth speed of fingernails and toenails can differ, and toenails typically grow slower.

As for camping, the timeframe might be an issue. While a new nail is growing, it's generally not advisable to put on shoes that might put the toe under pressure or cause the developing nail to come off again. If your camping trip falls within the first 6 months after the toenail was ripped off, it might be best to opt for open shoes or sandals that don't press on your toes, giving the nail ample time and protection as it regrows.

Here are a few tips for caring for your toe during this time:

- Keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection.

- Change dressings as directed by your doctor.

- Avoid wearing tight shoes that could put pressure on the toe.

- Trim the nail as it grows to prevent it from becoming ingrown.

- Seek medical attention if you experience pain, swelling, redness, or drainage from the toe.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that the new nail grows back healthy and strong. While it might be disappointing, prioritizing proper care and healing will help you get back to your outdoor activities comfortably and safely in the future.