- To withstand cold temperatures and provide insulation.
2. Smaller body size:
- To minimize heat loss and conserve energy.
3. Stockier builds:
- to further reduce the surface area to volume ratio and conserve heat.
4. Coloration:
- Many species have white, gray, or brown coloration to reflect sunlight and reduce heat gain.
5. Longer limbs:
- To facilitate locomotion in snow.
6. Padded feet:
- For walking on snow and ice.
7. Broad hooves and claws:
- To distribute weight and prevent sinking in snow.
8. Seasonal changes in pelage:
- Many species grow thicker coats during the winter months.
9. Hibernation:
- Some species enter periods of dormancy to survive extreme conditions and food shortages.
10. Behavioral adaptations:
- Such as seeking shelter, huddling together, and storing food, help species cope with the challenges of mountain life.