1. Powerful limbs: Tigers have strong and muscular legs, which allow them to chase after and capture their prey. Their hind limbs are particularly strong, enabling them to leap great distances and reach high speeds when chasing down prey.
2. Retractable claws: Tigers have retractable claws that they can extend and retract at will. These sharp claws help them grip and hold onto their prey, preventing it from escaping.
3. Large paws: Tigers have large paws that provide stability and traction when they are running and chasing prey. The large surface area of their paws also helps them distribute their weight when walking or standing, allowing them to move silently through the forest.
4. Flexible spine: Tigers have a flexible spine that allows them to twist and contort their bodies in order to reach and capture prey. This flexibility is also beneficial when they are fighting or defending themselves.
5. Powerful jaw muscles: Tigers have incredibly strong jaw muscles that give them the ability to crush the bones of their prey. Their jaws can generate up to 1,000 pounds of pressure per square inch, which is enough to crush the skull of a large animal.
These skeletal adaptations, along with their keen sense of smell, hearing, and vision, make tigers highly efficient predators that are able to capture and kill a wide variety of prey.