* Antigua and Barbuda orchid (Encyclia cochleata): This endangered orchid species is found only in Antigua and Barbuda. It is a beautiful and delicate plant that is threatened by habitat loss and illegal collection.
* Antigua and Barbuda cycad (Zamia angustifolia): This endangered cycad species is found only in Antigua and Barbuda. It is a slow-growing plant that is threatened by habitat loss and illegal collection.
* Antigua and Barbuda cactus (Opuntia antillana): This endangered cactus species is found only in Antigua and Barbuda. It is a spiny plant that is adapted to dry environments. It is threatened by habitat loss and illegal collection.
* Antigua and Barbuda sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera): This endangered tree species is found only in Antigua and Barbuda. It is a coastal plant, and its population has been declining due to coastal development and sea level rise.