Is a leech vertebrates or invertebrates?

Leeches are invertebrates.

Here's why:

* Lack of a backbone: Invertebrates are animals that lack a backbone or spinal column. Leeches, like all other worms, do not have a backbone.

* Belong to the phylum Annelida: Leeches are segmented worms, belonging to the phylum Annelida. This phylum encompasses creatures like earthworms and marine worms, all of which are invertebrates.

* Other characteristics: Leeches possess other characteristics that classify them as invertebrates, such as:

* A soft, segmented body

* A closed circulatory system

* A simple nervous system

Vertebrates, on the other hand, possess a backbone and other characteristics such as:

* A skull

* A complex brain and nervous system

* A well-developed circulatory system with a heart

* A distinct internal skeleton