What animals eat puffins?

Puffins are vulnerable to predation, especially when they are nesting or at sea. Here are some of the animals that prey on puffins:

At Sea:

* Larger birds: Gulls, especially Great Black-backed Gulls, are known to prey on puffins, especially young or injured ones.

* Marine mammals: Seals, particularly harbor seals, and occasionally orcas (killer whales) have been known to hunt puffins.

* Fish: Larger cod and other predatory fish may sometimes take puffins, especially young ones.

On land (nesting colonies):

* Arctic foxes: Foxes will often raid puffin nests, especially when puffins are away foraging for food.

* Gulls: Gulls, especially Great Black-backed Gulls, will sometimes prey on chicks and even adults in the nesting colonies.

* Other birds: Ravens and other large birds of prey may occasionally take puffins, but they are not primary predators.

It's important to note that puffins are generally quite good at evading predators, thanks to their strong diving ability and their tendency to nest in dense colonies. However, they are still vulnerable, and their numbers are declining in some areas due to predation, climate change, and other threats.