Who is a flying insects move in swarms and cause great destruction to vegetation?

There are a few flying insects that move in swarms and can cause great destruction to vegetation. The most common culprits are:

* Locusts: These are a type of grasshopper that can form massive swarms of millions of individuals. They are known for their voracious appetites and can strip fields of vegetation in a short period of time.

* Grasshoppers: While not always swarming in the same way as locusts, grasshoppers can reach high population densities and cause significant damage to crops and grasslands.

* Beetles: Certain beetle species, like the Colorado potato beetle, can occur in large numbers and devastate crops, especially potatoes.

* Caterpillars: Certain caterpillars, like the armyworm, can occur in massive numbers and defoliate crops.

The specific insect that is causing destruction would depend on the location and type of vegetation affected.

To identify the specific insect, you would need more information, such as:

* Location: Where is the swarm occurring?

* Time of year: When did the swarming occur?

* Type of vegetation affected: What plants are being damaged?

Once you have this information, you can consult with local agricultural experts or entomologists for a more precise identification.