* Badgers: These are expert diggers and specifically target ground bee nests for their larvae.
* Skunks: They enjoy the larvae and adults as well.
* Bears: They are opportunistic feeders and will dig up ground bee nests if they find them.
* Raccoons: They're also opportunistic feeders and may dig for bee nests.
* Foxes: Similar to raccoons, they may dig up nests if they find them.
* Rodents: Squirrels, chipmunks, and other rodents may dig up nests to access larvae.
* Birds of prey: Hawks and owls will often dig up bee nests to access the larvae and adults.
* Roadrunners: These birds are known to eat ground bees and will dig up nests to find them.
* Ants: Certain ant species will prey on ground bee larvae and adults.
* Wasps: Some wasps are parasitic and will lay their eggs in ground bee nests, leading to the destruction of the bee colony.
It's important to remember that while these animals may dig up ground bee nests, they are part of the ecosystem and play important roles in maintaining balance.