What are predators of the musk ox?

Musk oxen are large, powerful animals with a thick coat of fur and sharp horns, making them formidable opponents. However, they do have predators:

Primary Predators:

* Wolves: Wolves are the primary predator of musk oxen, especially in the Arctic regions where they roam. They typically hunt in packs, taking down young, weak, or sick oxen.

* Polar bears: Polar bears are also known to prey on musk oxen, particularly in coastal areas where the two species overlap. They use their strength and sharp claws to bring down their prey.

Other Predators:

* Arctic foxes: Arctic foxes will scavenge on the carcasses of musk oxen, and may occasionally take down young or weak individuals.

* Wolverines: While not a primary predator, wolverines may opportunistically prey on musk oxen, especially if the oxen are already weakened or injured.

It's important to note that the specific predators of musk oxen can vary depending on the geographic location. For example, polar bears are more prevalent in coastal areas, while wolves are more common in inland regions.