Lizards will eat mealworms. The lizards that will eat mealworms include anoles, gekos, sailfin lizards, fringe-toed lizards and chameleons. Other reptile predators for mealworms include aquatic and box turtles, tortoises, water dragons, basilisks and others. Fish and amphibians that eat bugs will eat mealworms.
Chickens like mealworms. Birds that will eat mealworms include chickens, turkey, song birds, fowl and numerous others. Birds eat worms and seeds, a variety of vegetation and other insects. Where there is plenty of larvae and worms, seed, grains and other vegetation, you will have a healthy selection of birds.
Other Predators
The other predators for mealworms include predatory beetles, spiders and rodents. The rodent family includes hedgehogs, rats, shrews, bats, moles, voles, gophers and any insect-eating mammal. Spiders that will eat insects include the tarantula. Other meat-eating spiders will enjoy eating the mealworm.
What Are the Predators of Mealworms?
Mealworms are the larva of the Darkling beetle. The mealworm is slightly hard, about a quarter of an inch to three quarters of an inch long. Once the mealworm turns into an adult, it is black and it is difficult to tell a male from a female beetle. Mealworms and the adult beetles live where there is plenty of decaying foliage, in rock crevasses, in logs, grain storage and animal burrows. The predators to mealworms include rodents, lizards, predatory beetles, birds and spiders.