How to Remove a Queen Bee From the Hive

You may want to remove an old queen from a beehive and introduce a new queen to your beehive in order to produce more larve when an old queen is aged. Queen bees like to hide, and your hive may be quite active, so it is very important that you wear protective clothing, shoes and gloves when trying to find the queen of your beehive. It's best to re-queen your hive when there is a bit of honey flow. Otherwise, bees will start robbing, meaning they will try to steal honey from another hive. Remember that if there is robbing, it is safest to leave your bee yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Protective clothing, shoes and gloves
  • Bee smoker
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  1. Removing a Queen Bee

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      Use a bee smoker when you begin. Use just a little bit of smoke in the entrance and over the tops of the frames.

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      Take off the top frame and look at the inside to see if the queen is there. Remember you are looking for the bee that looks different from the other bees.

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      If she is not there, place the frame top-down on the ground next to the hive. Look in the comb below the top frame, and especially look for lay-chambers. If you do not see the queen, remove the comb and gently place it top side down on the top frame on the ground, angled slightly.

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      Continue dismantling the hive, looking for the queen in comb cracks and nooks. Also keep an eye on the side frames where she may be hiding.

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      Once you have located the queen, remove her and store her however you see fit.

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      Carefully rebuild your hive when you have finished.