How to Determine the Gender of a Grasshopper

Many people have wondered if a grasshopper is a male or female at least one time in their lives. There is a specific way to determine the gender of a grasshopper. However, grasshoppers are very delicate and you must handle them gently when determining the gender.


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      Clean a glass jar for the grasshopper with warm water and soap. Dry the jar completely. Place a small stick or rock inside the jar. Cut a piece of cheesecloth to cover the top of the jar once the grasshopper is in the jar.

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      Explore the surrounding area and find a nice grasshopper. Grasshoppers are herbivores and live where there is a large amount of vegetation such as bushes, trees or plants. Catch the grasshopper and place it in glass jar. Place cheesecloth over jar and secure with a rubber band.

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      Gently reach inside jar and pick up the grasshopper. Be careful to not grab the grasshopper's legs because they are very delicate and could break. Do not squeeze the grasshopper.

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      Turn grasshopper upside down. The female will have a pointed and long segment at the end of her body. The male will have a rounded segment that is not pointy and long at the end of his body. A female will also have longer legs but you won't notice the leg length unless you have both a male and female grasshopper to compare.

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      Return the grasshopper to the glass jar or set it free back into nature. Wash your hands. Now you know how to determine the sex of a grasshopper. You can surprise and amaze your friends with your new grasshopper sex determination skills.