How to Care for Giant African Millipedes

Anyone who wants a pet that is easy to care for should consider a giant African millipede. This many-legged critter does not need to be walked or have its litter changed on a regular basis, making it a perfect first-time pet. Keep reading to find out how easy it is to keep a pet millipede.


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      House the millipede in an five- to 10-gallon aquarium. The millipede's comfort is a main concern; he should be able to stretch his entire body out along the width of the tank, with the length of the aquarium measuring twice the millipede's outstretched body. Millipedes can escape, making a cover a necessity.

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      Cover the bottom of the aquarium with four inches of peat moss. Provide the millipede with a hollow log, since they like to sleep and stay hidden during the day. For this reason, the tank doesn't need a light source.

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      Mist the millipede and peat moss daily. Do not oversaturate the moss, but keep it moist. Saturate a cotton ball and put it in a shallow jar lid. This will provide the pet with water, but does not allow for the possibility of drowning.

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      Feed the millipede soft fruits and vegetables. Cucumbers are a millipede favorite, but the skin needs to be removed first since the millipede cannot bite through tough skins. They also enjoy bananas, melon and commercial pellet food. Feed as much food as the millipede will eat in one night. Remove leftovers in the morning.

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      Keep the temperature between 65 and 75 degrees. The average temperature for most households is on the high end of this range, so the millipede doesn't need any special heat sources.