How to Care for a Desert Millipede

A Desert Millipede is a member of the orthoporus species. Orthoporus ornatus, commonly known as the Arizona Desert Millipede, is one of the most popular of this type. It is a good choice to keep as it is quite common in the southwestern United States and hardy, having a much lower requirement for humidity than other species. The following steps will help you care for this popular group of millipedes.


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      Use a tank that will provide five gallons of space per individual. Millipedes have no problem living in groups, but the tank should be at least twice as wide as the longest individual which can be up to seven inches in adults.

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      Lay down four to five inches of peat moss or potting soil as a substrate. Millipedes burrow readily, especially when they are about to molt, which happens every few months. Be sure to provide several hiding places such as flat rocks or small cardboard boxes.

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      Keep the enclosure warm and humid. Mist the tank once a day to ensure the substrate stays damp, but do not spray the millipedes directly. The tank should be dark or dimly lit at all times.

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      Feed millipedes daily. They are vegetarians and should do well on a diet of common fruits and vegetables. It is essential that you sprinkle calcium powder (readily available in pet stores) on everything they eat and give them small pieces of moistened dog food occasionally to provide the protein they will need to grow their exoskeletons.