How to Feed a Luna Moth Caterpillar

Luna moths (Actias luna) are about as far away from the stereotype of a small, brown, fabric-munching moth as you can get. Their pale-green wings with purple edges and impressive size make luna moths look more like butterflies. This attractive appearance, coupled with the fact that the caterpillars are undemanding to raise, makes them a good subject for a simple science project or to keep as a pet. Luna moth eggs and larvae are widely available from biological suppliers; all you have to provide is a suitable cage and an abundant supply of the right foods.

Things You'll Need

  • Sweet gum, maple, oak, or walnut tree leaves
  • Paper cups
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    • 1

      Collect sweet gum, maple, oak or walnut tree twigs with leaves attached. Check that no chemicals, especially insecticides, have been used on the tree within the past few weeks. If pesticides have been used nearby, wash the leaves thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

    • 2

      Pour ½-inch of water into one of the paper cups. Push the other paper cup into the first one.

    • 3

      Push the ends of the twigs through the second paper cup. This arrangement helps keep the leaves fresh and prevents caterpillars from falling into the water and drowning.

    • 4

      Place the twig and paper cup arrangement in the caterpillar cage.

    • 5

      Replace the twigs every couple of days, or daily if the caterpillars have eaten all the leaves. Create a new paper cup and twig arrangement and place it next to the old one. Let the caterpillars crawl across of their own accord. Remove the old one -- you can reuse the paper cups.