Feeding a Walking Stick

Walking sticks are insects that look like a twig with legs, and they are also called stick insects. Several species of walking sticks are available as pets. Walking sticks are excellent at camouflage and can bring their legs up to their body to enhance their twig-like look. These insects are vegetarian and eat mostly leaves. Some walking sticks can be particular about what leaves they prefer, but others will eat a variety of leaves, including bramble, ivy, oak, rose, azalea and geranium. Fresh food is important, and you should avoid leaves that might have been exposed to pesticide.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass jar
  • Water
  • Leaves
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      Check with your pet supplier about the species of your walking stick. Certain species may prefer one type of leaf over another. Acquire leaves that are ideal for your species of walking stick.

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      Wash the leaves you are using for food. You want to remove any pollution. Do not use leaves that come from land that has been sprayed with pesticide or herbicide.

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      Fill a jam jar or other container with fresh water. The water is necessary to keep the food moist and fresh.

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      Place the leaves upright in the jar of water. Pack the jar tightly with the food, so the insects cannot climb down a leaf and drown in the water.

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      Place the filled jar inside the walking stick's tank, preferably in the middle.

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      Replace food only when most of the previous food is eaten. Fill a new jar with water and leaves and place it next to the existing jar. Wait for the insects to move to the new jar before removing the old one. Check the old jar for any remaining insects.