What are some names of common household bugs?

* Ants: Small, social insects that live in colonies.

* Beetles: A large and diverse group of insects that includes ladybugs, ground beetles, and scarab beetles.

* Bugs: A general term for insects, but often used to refer to true bugs, which are insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts. True bugs include bed bugs, aphids, and stink bugs.

* Cockroaches: Large, flat, and oval-shaped insects that are known for their ability to survive in a variety of conditions.

* Crickets: Small, jumping insects that are often found in warm, moist environments.

* Earwigs: Small, elongated insects with distinctive pincers at the end of their abdomens.

* Fleas: Small, wingless insects that are parasites on mammals and birds.

* Flies: A large and diverse group of insects that includes houseflies, fruit flies, and mosquitoes.

* Moths: A large and diverse group of insects that are closely related to butterflies. Moths are typically active at night and are often attracted to light.

* Silverfish: Small, wingless insects that are covered in silvery scales. Silverfish are often found in damp, dark places.

* Spiders: Arachnids that have eight legs and two main body segments. Spiders are not insects.

* Termites: Small, social insects that live in colonies and feed on wood.

* Ticks: Small, parasitic arachnids that attach themselves to the skin of animals and feed on their blood. Ticks are not insects.

* Wasps: Stinging insects that are closely related to bees and ants. Wasps are often found around flowers and other sources of food.