How many years live the insects?

The lifespan of insects varies widely depending on the species. Some insects, such as mayflies, live for only a few hours or days, while others, such as queen termites, can live for several decades. Here are some examples of the lifespans of different types of insects:

* Mayflies: A few hours or days

* Fruit flies: About 1 month

* Houseflies: About 1 month

* Honey bees: Worker bees live for about 6 weeks, while queen bees can live for several years

* Termites: Worker termites live for about 1-2 years, while soldiers and queens can live for several decades

* Cockroaches: Some species can live for up to 2 years

* Grasshoppers: Most species live for about 1 year

* Beetles: Some species can live for several years

* Butterflies: Some species can live for up to 1 year

* Moths: Some species can live for several months

The lifespan of an insect is influenced by a variety of factors, including:

* Genetics: Some species of insects have longer lifespans than others.

* Environment: Insects that live in harsh environments may have shorter lifespans than those that live in more favorable conditions.

* Predation: Insects that are preyed upon by other animals may have shorter lifespans.

* Disease: Insects that are infected with diseases may have shorter lifespans.