When no living member in your species exist the species?

When no living member of a species exists, the species is considered to be extinct. Extinction is a natural process that has occurred throughout the history of life on Earth, but the current rate of extinction is significantly higher than the background rate due to human activities such as habitat destruction, climate change, overhunting, and pollution.

When a species becomes extinct, it means that all of its members have died and there is no longer any potential for reproduction. This can have a ripple effect on the ecosystem, as the loss of one species can lead to changes in the abundance and distribution of other species that interact with it. In some cases, the extinction of a single species can even lead to the collapse of an entire ecosystem.

Extinction is a serious problem that threatens biodiversity and the health of our planet. It is important to take action to protect endangered species and prevent further extinctions. This can be done through a variety of means, such as habitat conservation, captive breeding, and public education.