If you catch endangered animal that only eats plants what are going to do and why?

If I catch an endangered animal that only eats plants, I would:

1. Immediately release the animal back into its natural habitat. The primary goal in handling any endangered animal is to ensure its well-being and survival within its ecosystem. Removing the animal from its natural environment could cause distress, disrupt its ecological role, and potentially worsen its condition.

2. Inform local wildlife authorities or conservation organizations. It's crucial to notify the appropriate authorities to initiate proper assessment, monitoring, and protection for the endangered animal. These organizations possess the expertise, resources, and legal framework to handle endangered species responsibly.

3. Respect and maintain a safe distance: Avoid direct contact, handling, or attempting to feed the animal. Interfering with wild animals, even those that appear docile, can be dangerous and disrupt natural behaviors. Observe and document the animal's condition from a distance.

4. Avoid sharing the exact location: While it's important to inform the relevant authorities, avoid publicly sharing the precise location where you found the animal. Excessive and unregulated human traffic or disturbances could further compromise the animal's well-being.

5. Report any injuries or abnormal behaviour: If you observe any physical injuries, health abnormalities, or distressed behavior, clearly communicate these observations to conservation authorities. This vital information can support necessary veterinary intervention and conservation efforts.

Reasons for these actions:

- Endangered species are particularly vulnerable and can easily be harmed or stressed by improper handling.

- Wildlife authorities have the specialized knowledge and protocols to approach, assess, and care for endangered animals.

- Interfering with wildlife can cause fear, disruption of social structures, and changes in normal behavior.

- Conservation organizations prioritize research, habitat protection, and long-term management of endangered species, ensuring their sustainability.

- Providing accurate information assists experts in making informed decisions and taking relevant actions for the animal's well-being.

Remember, encountering endangered wildlife species requires responsible and ethical engagement to aid conservation efforts and ensure the future survival of these vital ecosystem members.