* Lizards are common in many areas: They're often attracted to warmth, moisture, and insects, making bathrooms a potential habitat.
* They can get trapped: A lizard may have wandered in and gotten trapped in the bathroom, unable to find its way out.
* Natural causes: It could have died from old age, illness, or even stress from being in an unfamiliar environment.
However, there are a few things to consider:
* Check for other signs: If you're concerned, look for other signs of an infestation (like droppings or shed skin) around the bathroom. If you find more, you might need to take steps to prevent them from getting in.
* Consider your location: If you live in an area with venomous lizards, it's important to be cautious.
* Seek professional help: If you're unsure about the lizard or its cause of death, it's always best to contact a pest control professional.
Ultimately, finding a dead lizard is more likely a harmless occurrence than a sign of bad luck or anything sinister. It's important to stay calm and take appropriate steps to prevent future occurrences if needed.